The format Module

The Format module is exported from the IO library. This module extends the functionality of the format strings described in Dylan's condition system and provides two new functions for processing the extended format strings. The Format module is a small module, but it uses the printing modules and some of the Streams module. The print and pprint Modules and The streams Module give full details of the Print and Streams libraries.

The format module exports all the identifiers described in this document.

Control strings

The Format module’s format strings, or control strings, offer the same directives as Dylan's format strings offer, but Format provides a few more directives, and permits a single argument to all format directives.

The argument is an integer that must appear contiguously between the dispatch character, %, and the format directive. The argument indicates a printing field in which to justify the output of the directive. A positive integer indicates that the output should be flush right within the field, and a negative integer indicates the output should be flush left within the field. If the output length is greater than the field’s width, then output occurs as if there were no field specification. The following are examples of valid format directives:


The directives are:

  • %s Prints the next format argument as a message by calling the function print-message on the format argument and the stream. This directive is the same as Dylan’s %s format-string directive except for two features: (i) this module’s %s directive outputs character objects, and (ii) you can extend the %s functionality by adding methods to print-message.

  • %= Prints the next format argument by calling the print function from the Print module on the format argument and the stream. You can extend the %= functionality by adding methods to the print-object function from the Print module.

  • %c Print the next format argument, which must be a character, according to Dylan’s %s format-string directive. This module’s %c directive is the same as this module’s %s directive.

  • %d Prints a decimal representation of the next format argument, which must be an integer.

  • %b Prints a binary representation of the next format argument, which must be an integer.

  • %o Prints an octal representation of the next format argument, which must be an integer.

  • %x Prints a lowercase hexadecimal representation of the next format argument, which must be an integer. Use %X (uppercase X) to output uppercase instead.

  • %m Invokes the next format argument, which must be a function, on the stream passed to format.

  • %% Outputs a single % character.

The format Module

This section contains a reference entry for each item exported from the Format module.

format Generic function

Outputs a control string to a stream.


format stream control-string #rest arguments => ()

  • stream – An instance of <stream>. The stream to which formatted output should be sent.

  • control-string – An instance of <string>. A string containing format directives.

  • arguments (#rest) – Instances of <object>.


Sends output to stream according to the format directives in control-string. Each directive consumes one argument from arguments. See Control strings for a description of the control strings that can be used.

The control-string contents that are not part of any directive are output directly to stream, as if by the Streams module’s write function.

format(<byte-string>) Method

Outputs a control string to a stream.


There is one method for format, and it is specialized to <byte-string>.

format-to-string Generic function

Returns a formatted string based on a format control string.


format-to-string control-string #rest arguments => result

  • control-string – An instance of <string>.

  • arguments (#rest) – Instances of <object>.


Calls format to produce output according to control-string and returns the output as a string.

format-to-string(<byte-string>) Method

Returns a formatted string based on a format control string.


There is one method for format-to-string. The control-string argument must be a <byte-string>. Result is a <byte-string>.

print-message Generic function

Prints an object to a stream.


Prints object to stream.

Methods for this function should print objects as a message, as opposed to printing them in any form intending to represent Dylan data, literal syntax, and so on.

For example, printing a condition object with this function presents the condition as an error message, but printing the condition object with the print function from the Print module prints the condition in some form such as:


See the individual methods for the details of how this function prints various objects. This function exists to define the behavior of the %s format directive and to allow users the ability to extend the %s directive. Users should have little need to call this function directly.

print-message(<condition>) Sealed Method

Prints a condition to a stream as an error message.


Prints condition as an error message, as described for the Dylan %s format directive. You should not specialize the print-message protocol for subclasses of <condition>, but instead extend the print-message protocol to new condition objects by specializing methods on report-condition.


This doesn’t actually work. Fix.

print-message(<symbol>) Sealed Method

Prints a symbol to a stream.


print-message symbol stream => ()


Prints symbol to stream by converting it to a string with the as function and then writing the string with the write function from the Streams module.

print-message(<string> or <character>) Sealed Method

Prints an object to a stream.


print-message object stream => ()

  • object – An instance of type-union(<string>, <character>).

  • stream – An instance of <stream>.


Prints object to stream by calling the write function from the Streams module.